
Fri, 21

June 21st 2019

Today I want to talk about an important but often overlooked skill to help you manage yourself and deal with being alone without being lonely. That skill is self-soothing. All people struggle with feeling bad at times. One way we feel better is to seek out the company of another trusted person to talk with […]

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Mon, 17

June 17th 2019

  I saw a meme on Facebook that reminds me a lot of clients who are dealing with aspects of being alone, and that is taking a risk and trying new things. The meme was of a baby crawling and trying to walk. The story of the meme is that the baby tries to get […]

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Fri, 14

June 14th 2019

How do you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror? Do you like what you see? Do your outsides and insides match? What if you feel bad on the inside and it shows on the outside? One of the things I notice is that many times people who are lonely or do not […]

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Mon, 10

June 10th 2019

Happy Monday! It’s been a rainy week in Singapore. How does the weather affect your mood? It’s funny how things like the weather can have an impact on our mood and make it harder to work on being level and moderate. When you are feeling down or get out of sorts by a bad day […]

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Thu, 6

June 6th 2019

Welcome to June. Are you ready for summer? I know it seems to have snuck up on me. Summer months can be something that we look forward to because they are so filled with promise and yet, it can activate feelings of loneliness. How prepared are you for summer? One of the subtle aspects that […]

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Mon, 27

May 28th 2019

May is going so fast! We have been busy at work exploring another aspect of dealing with and eliminating the feeling of loneliness. Learning to be alone without feeling lonely is a challenge for some people. We want to learn how to like ourselves, our time and develop interests that we can do on our […]

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