Aparil 15th 2019

Posted on April 14, 2019

Aparil 15th 2019


HI Readers,

Today is Monday. Mondays can be quite difficult from an emotional standpoint. If you don’t have anyone to talk to, your feelings can overwhelm you and get the most of you. I wanted to list out some activities you can do if you feel negative emotions coming on and overwhelming you. I hope you find this helpful.

Steps to Take When Negative Emotions Hit:

  1. When negative emotions hit, you want to get grounded. Negative emotions often lift us out of a reality. The first thing to do is get anchored.
  2. Talk to your feet
  3.      Stand up and feel your feet on the ground
  4.       Look at your feet and really feel your feet touch the ground

                                                  iii.     Feel your toes and heal.

  1.       Take as many slow deep breaths in and out and connect to you body.
  2. Remind yourself where you are at
  3.      Import to connect yourself to the present
  4.       Look directly at some object. Say out loud your location, the date and time of where you are right at the moment the negative thoughts hit.

                                                  iii.     In the moment you are reading and doing this exercise everything is okay, breath and remind yourself of this.

  1.      Continue to breath
  2. Next if you can write down the situation
  3. Writing is important, it gets it out of your head, slows down your thinking and forces you to organize your thoughts.
  4. Next write the best case scenario, the worst case scenario and the most likely
  5. IF you need to, give evidence for each of the best, worst and most likely case scenario. This helps to ground it into reality
  6. Describe the probability for each scenario. Generally both worst and best case scenarios are often very small probability
  7. Remind yourself the situation is temporary: Remember this state will pass. Even though it feels overwhelming it will pass
  8. Reminder yourself of the moment that was happening before the bad feeling. Connect to how everything was okay. Remind yourself that if you can put a boundary around the bad feeling to not let it grow.
  9. IF nothing else, exercise of some sort is best to change a feeling quickly. Do stretching, yoga, push ups or burpees if no gym is available.