Happy July! I’ve been so busy for this month! It’s the summer and things are busier than ever. This month won’t have as many posts as I have some trips and I’m off to do some clinical training.
How is your summer going? Busy? Do you have exciting plans?
A theme I have observed in therapy, and is often related to feelings of loneliness, is having things or people in your life that are not good for you. Sometimes even harmful. Often, in working with my clients, I see that they have invited people into their life that are not good for them.
These types of people that are not good for you may have these following traits or behaviors:
People who do this often and regularly may not be good for you. Do you have people like this in your life that you call friends? These are people that can make you feel lonely and not worthwhile. You may want to seriously examine these friendships. These are friends that you want to be aware of their behaviors and put boundaries around them.
If you have people in your life that often make you feel bad, invisible or unimportant should be re-evaluated. These are not appropriate ways for you to be treated.
We want people who consider us and our needs. We want people that we can count on and they are reliable and predicable. This makes us feel safe and good.
Have look through the people you associate it with. See if you can re-evaluate relationships that don’t make you feel good.
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