Ms. Fontana has resided in Singapore for over ten years and she is a Permanent Resident of Singapore. She combines her clinical training in the United States with her experience in both the expatriate community and the local Singaporean community to provide culturally sensitive therapy.
Ms. Fontana has extensive experience with the local community through her counselling work at, Alife, The Star Shelter, Singapore Anti-Narcotic Association and Simei Health Care. Ms. Fontana also provides intensive treatment for child clients at residential care through her liaison with MCYS.
Her involvement in the expatriate community extends to her works as the Southeast Asian contact for Asherman's Syndrome. Ms. Fontana founded Singapore Active Toddlers in 2007 for both local and expatriate parents and was board member of New Mother Support Group (NSMG) in Singapore. Finally, Ms. Fontana is a member of Primetime, Business and Professional Women’s Association.
Ms. Fontana draws upon her clinical training and five years of experience in counseling as well as her professional experience of over fifteen years in sales with fortune 1000 companies in United States. She provides both individual and couple therapy. Ms. Fontana has specialized training to work with children and their families. She is dedicated to improving the lives of others through well researched interventions and she looks forward to working with each client.
Click Here to Get Sleep Now!I provide an evidence based approach
I'm the one people come to when other sleep trainings fail
Here we address complete solutions - not beliefs
“Hi Tammy! Hope all is well. We were so impressed with you, we have been recommending you to all our friends!!” ~ Happy mom of a 11 months old
“Thank you so much for your help! You were more expensive than other sleep trainers we had tried in the past, but your information was clear and based on evidence. Once we understood how sleep worked and what matters it made so much sense. The sleep training while difficult wasn't the horror story we had been experiencing. Getting the right information made all the difference.” ~ Happy rested parents of a 6 months old
“I just wanted to whole heartily thank you. Your session was a real life changing experience. Lewis has been sleeping through the night for many months now and it is just so beautiful. Without your insights and step by step guidance this would have never been possible. I now give him a kiss (he waves his dad goodnight) put him in his cot and he turns around and falls asleep. Not a single noise. I walk out of his room, close the door and have 12 hours of peace and rest. Thank you ever so much Tammy, you are star!” ~ J.
“Going through another transition with our almost two year old and really grateful for all the help you gave us first time around. Now we have more confidence not to repeat the same mistakes. We'd rather stay downstairs with the youngster enjoying time together than having a 2-hour battle trying to get them to sleep too early! It is painful when our older child now needs an earlier bedtime, but hey...” ~ Rachael Herring
A child's sleep is a problem when that sleep situation no longer works for the parents and/or family. It is always important that parents are aware of age appropriate sleep patterns first to make sure they have proper expectations of their child.
When you follow clinically advised sleep correction programme it is not harmful for your child. Often the sleep horror stories that parents hear of (the two hour crying and other bad sleep training stories, are addressed in my talk and are explained how they happen. Often what happens is people have incomplete or bad information that leads to them incorrectly implementing sleep tools, thus resulting in poor outcome.
Even these don't hurt your child; they do induce stress to your child and parent – that is very unpleasant but is no lasting thing. But clinically informed sleep correction programme is very easy – has minimal fussing and can lead to better sleep in 1-3 days. Sleep training if done when the child is younger is faster and easier. Best to address sleep between the ages of 16 weeks and 18 months – it is much easier to correct and establish good pattern of behaviour. However you can correct sleep at any age!
A child's sleep is tied to how the parent manages their child. So once you fix a sleep problem, it doesn't stay fixed for life. Anytime the parent changes his or her behaviour for as little as one to two days can bring back sleep problems. Our goal and our solutions help parents understand how sleep works and how their behaviour can have impact on their child.
Our goal is not to just to fix your current problem, but to give you the tools and skills you need to maintain it and/or troubleshoot it when you will change your behaviour. Common reasons why parents change their behaviour that results in sleep problems returning are the child get sick, long lasting flights, teething, getting sick after vaccination. Anytime you change your behaviour for as little as one to two days can bring back the problems.
Tammy Fontana, MS NCC CTRT USA is a clinical mental health counsellor based in Singapore. She works with many different cultures and their resulting belief systems about sleep. She helps parents understand correctly their child’s behavior and get a complete sleep solution.
Too often parents will avoid or delay correcting their children's sleep problems because of fears of tantrums and tears based in horror stories about sleep training. Often the lack of success comes from not correctly understanding how sleep works and the incorrect application of sleep training methods.
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