Happy Hour
Dating & Relationship Education

Welcome to Happy Hour! Our dating and relationship education series.

This will be an interactive education series designed specifically to help you navigate dating and relationships.

You can ask questions about your dating, your relationships or any other questions you may have about men or women and relationships.

Do you want to have better experiences at dating?

  • Do you need help setting boundaries?
  • Do you want better quality dates?
  • Do you want to make dating more fun?
  • Are you wanting new relationship skills and help?
  • Do you want to ask someone about your relationship?
  • Would you love to get your questions answered about your dating?

Themes we’ll be covering

Screening dates from dating apps, how to set healthy boundaries, taking control of your experience and many other relationship topics. Oh, and we’ll talk about sex as well.

Each education series will have a theme but be highly adaptable to the people attending. If you can’t make the talk on the day, don’t worry, you can purchase and watch it at your later convenience. Send in your questions and we’ll answer them on the talk. Best is to WhatsApp us at +6590307239 and we’ll cover in the talk.

Best part is, if you purchase the talk, you’ll get a on month subscription to our portal www.mynewbeginningsclub.com It has helpful information about dating, sex, boundaries and mental health.

Happy Hour Videos

Purchase Happy Hour videos.

Join Dr. Denisa legac MD Phd Sex Therapist and Tammy fontana, MS, NCC CTRT, Sex Therapist, as they explain and discuss intimate relationship topics.

Price varies from $0,50 to $5,00.

Happy Hour Videos

Aging men and sexuality

Join Dr. Densia Legac MD Phd Sex Therapist and Tammy Fontana, MS, NCC CTRT, Sex Therapist, as they explain the typical patterns and issues that men face when they age. Issues covered will be how men's erections change, how feelngs and preferences can change. Other topics that affect a man's sexual performance such as diet, weight, smoking and drinking will be discussed. For the woman with a man who is having sexual issues, this talk will help bust the myths that his lack of erection is your fault.

Price $5.00

Croatia intensive talk

Dr. Densia Legac MD Phd Sex Therapist and Tammy Fontana, MS, NCC CTRT, Sex Therapist, discuss the purpose and outcomes of the intensives in Croatia. Effective therapy that looks and feels like a holiday but produces greater self-awareness and relationship improvement.

Price $0.50

Viagra talk

Join Dr. Densia Legac MD Phd, Sex Therapist and Tammy Fontana, MS, NCC CTRT, Sex Therapist, as they discuss the use and misuse of erectile dsyfunction drugs. Covered will be a discussion about the psychological and emotional impact of using these drugs. There is is also discussion about what actually is an erectile issue versus what is a relationship. In this talk it will be discussed the limits of these drugs and how therapy may be a more effective approach to solving bedroom sexual issues.

Price $5.00

STD Talk

Having sex requires responsiblity. Learn about how to take care of your sexual health by learning about what you need to ask a new sexual partner before having sex. Considering having multiple sexual partners or random sex hookups, understand your risk and learn what condoms won't protect you from. Get guidance how who seek for help and information.

Price $5.00

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Featured Marie France Asia
Featured Men's Health
Featured Mums Work
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Featured All In the Family Counselling

I provide an evidence based approach

I'm the one people come to when other methods fail

Here we address complete solutions - not beliefs


Are you in a relationship?

Do you have questions about what are healthy relationship behaviors?

  • Do you have a lot of questions about sex, sexuality and sexual health?
  • Do you wish you understood what is healthy and normal in a sexual relationship?
  • Do you have questions about safe sex, contraception and other safe sex habits?

Want to have a successful relationship?

Its helpful to have a trusted person to turn to.

There are many people out there offering relationship and dating help. Our expert is not a coach, but a highly trained mental health professional.

Tammy M. Fontana is a clinically trained mental health professional who is also a USA trained clinical sex therapist. She has just 10 years of clinical experience. She receives on going clinical training and supervision from some of the leading clinical experts in the United States and Europe.

For the first time ever she is now making education on dating and relationships available to you. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Listen to our educational audio that has been recorded at your convenience

Cost $5

  1. Men moving through the life cycle. How aging can impact erections and how this can affect a man's feelings about himself desire etc.
  2. Viagra etc. What it can and cannot do. How it works. We can touch on meaning. Young men using it and
  3. Sex after children. How men and women approach this
Topic 1:

October 20th topic

Men moving through the life cycle. How aging impacts sexuality.

5:30 PM

30 minutes

Cost: $5

Topic 2:

November 3rd

Viagra and other drugs. What they can and cannot do. Psychological and emotional impacts. What should you consider before taking. What men between age of 20-35 should consider.

6:00 PM

Cost: $5